Feminists of the world are probably not mourning the loss of one of the most influential women the world has ever seen. But they should be.

The great Jeane Kirkpatrick is dead at 80, and since nobody knows who she is, I'm going on a rant.
Awesome Fact #1: Jeane Kirkpatrick is the only female-starter on the neo-conservative all-star team. She was one of many disillussioned Marxists and disillussioned Democrats who jumped ship to form a powerful wing of the Republican party under Reagan and Bush II.
Without the likes of her, we may have never been involved in the current Iraq War, and if it weren't for people like her, Donald Rumsfeld and others might have never shaken hands so awkwardly with Saddam Hussein in the first place back in the 1980's. Read on:
An insane anti-communist, the "Kirkpatrick Doctrine" suggested that America support any anti-communist leader across the world, no matter how brutal and backward they were.
And of course, we all know that the 2003-to-present Iraq War was a key goal of neo-conservative/American domination scholars and lobbyists like Kirkpatrick, even for years before 9/11.
Awesome Fact #2: She was the first female Ambassador to the U.N. back in the 1980's... so I guess you could say that the current ultra-conservative Ambassador
John Bolton is the first male-Jeane Kirkpatrick.
Awesome Fact #3: In 1984, Kirkpatrick gave a speech to the Republican National Convention that is now called the
"Blame America First" speech.
In it, she complained about her old party, the Democrats, and their need to blame America for every problem in the world. For instance, when a communist dictator ascends to power in Latin America, the Democrats immediately blame America's 100-year-old policies instead of, well, the dictator.
And how dare they use history to make a point! Live in the moment, Democrats!
It doesn't need to be restated how significant this argument has been rhetorically over the past 30 years. Watch Fox News for an hour and you'll hear the term "Blame America First" at least once. Not to mention her targeting of "San Francisco Democrats".... Have you heard anything similar to that in the past two decades?
After her speech, Ronald Reagan and the Republicans went on to win every single state -- except Minnesota and its seven electoral seats. Woohoo! -- the biggest trumping in an America election since, well, 10 years earlier when Nixon did the exact same thing.
America is the world's greatest soap opera and it just lost its Susan Lucci.