Judge Holden Was Here

Monday, October 29, 2007

Korean World Series. My team lost.

In the background, if you look close, it says Miracle Doosan, although I'm not so sure it was a Miracle that the Doosan Bears went to the Korean World Series. They were on top of the standings all year and finished second.

Anyways. They stunk. They were leading the series 2-1, then lost 3 games in a row to lose it all. I saw the fifth game, their second straight loss, and I even resisted the urge to bandwagon and sit at the other side of the stadium. I'm loyal and I love losers... and the stadium was completely packed anyway.

Friday, October 26, 2007


I got my camera working for a couple pictures before the battery died.

This is Julie from my old school -- the only familiar face I saw at the new school. She left our school almost a year ago in Seoul and somehow only showed up a few months ago at the new Bundang school.

I asked her and she doesn't have a clue where she was in between.

At the old school, she was Julie. Now she's Stella, and I call her by her Korean name Chung-Soo-In, because I like it.

I'm hoping my camera works for a few more pictures tomorrow. I'm hopefully going into the city again. Yipee.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Only 50 weeks to go

Celebrate. Good Times. Come on.
Oh, boy. The fact that this even crossed my mind is bad, bad, bad. I need to find a way to keep busier at work right now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

From an old student at the other school

"In poly school when another teacher is bad every student say .." Tim teacher was not like that...!"

Haha. I was so easy.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bad time to check e-mail

I don't have internet in my room, so I only check my e-mail during worktime... which is when 95% of the people I know are sleeping.

I hate looking at an empty e-mail box. I have to stop checking.

Also. Posting on here is really boring when people don't respond once in a while. I hope I can keep it up until I actually do something interesting, but it's going to be tough.

I might take ONE real picture of myself this weekend though... I think my camera has enough juice to take ONE real picture.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's my Birthday

Happy Birthday to me.

Last year, my birthday turned out to be just about the worst day I had at work.

Maybe this one will be better. Maybe I'll be picked as the next Yankee coach.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Trying to check in here once in a while, but I still won't have internet for another week or so until I'm formalized as an alien or something.

Getting into work a little bit, but it's still embarassing how little I'm doing each day. I'm kind of HOPING to be busier soon, because I don't really enjoy looking lazy all day.

Oh well, can't really complain about much right now. I found an e-mart really close to my apartment. I'm right on the border of a slum, so if you walk one way it's ugly and the other way it's e-mart and something resembling luxury... I'm also right near a creek, which is nice.


Friday, October 12, 2007

Internet not yet

I'm typing this from the stoop of the apartment building next door. I didn't realize this before, but in Korea, to get an internet hookup in your room, you need to be registered as an alien... which takes about a week after you get here. I guess that's why I was internetless last year, too, but they never told me then.

Oh well, I'll keep coming here once or twice a day, and I can always go online at work if I want someone looking over my shoulder. Hopefully soon I'll have internet and a phone in my room, too, because I'd like people to actually be able to call me this time around. I seem to be a lot lonelier.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oh, man, why'd I come back here again?

So I'm back in Seoul, but further out in the suburbs this time.

I've only seen my apartment so far and haven't met the teachers. The apartment's a little disturbing because they didn't give me an air conditioner, which I'll hopefully get soon.

Oh well. Hopefully the teachers will be nice and the job won't be too much different from last time.

** That's a stock picture, not mine. I actually think I forgot my battery charger for the camera, so there might not be any originals on here at all. Oops.