This Week in (leftover) Pictures

Q: What do you get when you mix dried ice with water?.

A: Tim taking a dozen pictures of it with his camera.
Q: Where did Tim get dried ice?

A: Baskin Robbins, silly... They package take-out containers with it here and Tim has students with parents who like to give him ice cream.
Q: What semi-disturbing habit has Tim picked up in recent days?

A: Spying on the Poly School shuttlebuses as they come and go from the school...
Q: What was the best payoff from Tim's spying so far?

A: Catching one of the shuttlebus drivers shaving in his reflection.
And yes, the question-and-answer charade has gone on long enough... Here we have a wonderful picture of me by a student in his picture diary:

Apparently that's what I look like when I read out vocabulary words in blue sneakers and nothing else.
(Also, do you think the single line on my forehead is a dig at my receding hairline? Some of these kindergarteners are clever, so I wouldn't be too surprised.)
Side note: The way children here draw pictures is hilarious. Everyone looks like anime characters because they do the curved-lines-for-eyes thing.

It rained like a grandmother today and the student in the middle had to borrow another teacher's shirt, so that's why he looks like he's in a dress.
Other than that, click on the picture to zoom in and see what kids have written... They were suppossed to write a letter to me and at least one of them says they love me.
Maybe two.
...not to mention he doesn't really look like Steve Martin to me.
Anonymous, at 8:50 PM
They're in first grade!
This is their second language and they're easily reading and writing beyond the level of of average first graders at home.
(... at least in Mrs. Lovett's class.)
Timothy Holden, at 3:43 AM
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