Democrats are idiots
Republican's just won the 2008 election, two years in advance.
The Democrats seem to think it's a good idea to stuff together a bunch of primaries and caucauses into January of 2007, essentially picking a front-runner a half-year ahead of their convention to pick a candidate for President....

Considering that these early primaries are completely driven by name-recognition, Hillary Clinton will have a huge advantage. Not to mention John Kerry if he runs again.
And this is horrible, horrible, horrible, because both of those candidates stand to take a huge ass-kicking from the other side, because they have huge holes in their political records and the Democrats have absolutely no way to defend themselves against slanderous attacks, as we saw in the last election with that Swift Boat crap.
By allowing a candidate to get slandered and lied about and kicked in the ass for a half year before the convention, and even then three months before the election, the Democrats are screwed, as always. It doesn't matter if George W. Bush starts killing Iraqi children with his own hands at press conferences, we're going to have another Republican as President.
President Jeb Bush in 2008? George Allen? Bill Frist?
(I'm sorry. I usually avoid my own opinion on here, because I know nobody cares, but this was so bone-headed that I couldn't help.)
The Democrats seem to think it's a good idea to stuff together a bunch of primaries and caucauses into January of 2007, essentially picking a front-runner a half-year ahead of their convention to pick a candidate for President....

Considering that these early primaries are completely driven by name-recognition, Hillary Clinton will have a huge advantage. Not to mention John Kerry if he runs again.
And this is horrible, horrible, horrible, because both of those candidates stand to take a huge ass-kicking from the other side, because they have huge holes in their political records and the Democrats have absolutely no way to defend themselves against slanderous attacks, as we saw in the last election with that Swift Boat crap.
By allowing a candidate to get slandered and lied about and kicked in the ass for a half year before the convention, and even then three months before the election, the Democrats are screwed, as always. It doesn't matter if George W. Bush starts killing Iraqi children with his own hands at press conferences, we're going to have another Republican as President.
President Jeb Bush in 2008? George Allen? Bill Frist?
(I'm sorry. I usually avoid my own opinion on here, because I know nobody cares, but this was so bone-headed that I couldn't help.)
Oh man, the Democrats are gonna lose SOOOOOO hard in November. Its not even funny.
How do i know this? The Republicans havent started up with the good ol' "HEY LOOK: QUEERS!" card yet, like they usually do when they're in deep shit. They're hella confident and are biding their time.
My guess is that they'll wait until another 1000 black people in New Orleans get smoked by a hurricane. After they condemn the media for DARING to suggest Bush cut into Vaction time on his gayass fake rancharoonie *BAM* gay marriage UP THE ASS.
Or they've got some secret deal with all the megachruches.
Anonymous, at 9:23 AM
There are reports that Dobson is on his usual voter registration crusade, and he's a big ringleader, so I'm sure the Republicans will still win the turnout war.
Things will have to get a lot worse before people are willing to vote Republican in anything resembling a majority.
I think a strong third party candidate would have a better chance to win than the Democrats right now.
Can they even agree on who they hate? They'll never topple the Jesuslanders and the Rich folk if they can't find something they can all hate together.
Come on! TERRORISTS!!! If you tilt your head, it looks like COMMUNISTS.
Timothy Holden, at 5:15 PM
Oops, I meant "vote DEMOCRAT in anything resembling a majority."
Remember that Clinton guy? He never got higher than 47% of the vote... There would have been two more Republican terms if it weren't for Ross Perot splitting the vote.
And Democrats hate Nader! He got 3% in '00.... Perot got 17% in '91.
Timothy Holden, at 5:17 PM
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