Looking back a few years, I can remember that at this time of the year, me and my brother would do nothing all day but sit in our partially air-conditioned home and watch game shows like the Price is Right.
There was one summer where him and I watched Rosie O'Donnell nearly every day for the entire summer.
It was so good, I'm about to tear up.
I hear ya Tim. Being a grown up f'in sucks. I have yet to find one good thing about it. I'll keep ya posted though.
Your cousin,
PS. I enjoy reading about your adventures. Some of the debate on here is intense! And funny. :)
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM
Haha, I'm glad you come by.
Feel free to join in and school some of my blowhard "friends" whenever you feel like it.
Timothy Holden, at 5:13 PM
Rosie saves "The View"!
See it, September 5th.
(As an added incentive, Jessica Simpson is the guest.)
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM
Or you can get Chanx'd on September 5th like all the cool kids :)
Anonymous, at 8:15 PM
This is too mean to make into a post, but somebody who watches this site sent me this surprisingly related e-mail:
"Your friends from your journalism program are a bunch of self righetous humorless [deleted]. I'm amazed you didnt kill yourself.... No wonder no one has any resepct for the media anymore."
Ouch, ouch, ouch! I guess my only defence would be that there are a few people in that class whose opinions weren't self-righteous.... His name was Rowan and he's going to be a huge sportscaster.
Timothy Holden, at 12:39 AM
I think Don won the argument... He called me "immature," and how do you counter THAT!
I mean, talk about brilliant! Every since second grade, I've been losing arguments when I get stumped with that "You're immature!" meme!
How do I counter such genius... I may live to a hundred and never know.
Timothy Holden, at 5:13 AM
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