Korean World Series. My team lost.
In the background, if you look close, it says Miracle Doosan, although I'm not so sure it was a Miracle that the Doosan Bears went to the Korean World Series. They were on top of the standings all year and finished second.
Anyways. They stunk. They were leading the series 2-1, then lost 3 games in a row to lose it all. I saw the fifth game, their second straight loss, and I even resisted the urge to bandwagon and sit at the other side of the stadium. I'm loyal and I love losers... and the stadium was completely packed anyway.
Is the baseball championship there really called the Korean World Series or is that just what you're calling it so we know what you're talking about? I think it's kind of dumb that major league baseball calls their championship the World Series, but I find there's something extra-ridiculous about the term Korean World Series.
D-String, at 6:57 AM
hahah, good point. Super Bowl is more appropriate. It's not universal, but it's really Super.
They call it the Korea Series here, so I added the World.
Anonymous, at 8:44 PM
hey Tim - yes, I am now unemployed. My contracted ended on election day (how's that for a "thanks for your hard work, now get out of here"??). I'm getting right sick and tired of short-term jobs and having to figure out my life all over again. Is it so much to ask for a little job security and benefits?
Now debating whether I stick to Toronto or head off for some new adventure in a far flung place. Also debating if I go back to journalism. Lots of debating. Few conclusions.
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM
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