This Saturday in Pictures (featuring Daniella and a special guest)
My friend Daniella is here, and today I was nice enough to actually visit her.

This is her apartment, which is similar to mine in a town on the outskirts of Seoul. One of the perks of her job is that she actually has numerous co-worker friends to pick from, unlike me. The one above is named Cathy and comes from the faraway land of New York State.
And oh yeah, their subway station is called Beomgye (pronounced: BUMGAY).

I was so happy to see Daniella that I made silly faces, including the one directly above, which looks eerily like my grandfather laughing at a newfie joke.

We went to a Korean barbecue place where you can save money by cooking the food yourselves.

Rover or Patches? The waitress couldn't remember the name of this animal, but she assured us it was very cute.
(Disclaimer for those who take this website literally, including my mother: No, I did not actually eat dog.)

This is her apartment, which is similar to mine in a town on the outskirts of Seoul. One of the perks of her job is that she actually has numerous co-worker friends to pick from, unlike me. The one above is named Cathy and comes from the faraway land of New York State.
And oh yeah, their subway station is called Beomgye (pronounced: BUMGAY).

I was so happy to see Daniella that I made silly faces, including the one directly above, which looks eerily like my grandfather laughing at a newfie joke.

We went to a Korean barbecue place where you can save money by cooking the food yourselves.

Rover or Patches? The waitress couldn't remember the name of this animal, but she assured us it was very cute.
(Disclaimer for those who take this website literally, including my mother: No, I did not actually eat dog.)
Actually Dan, I was thinking you look like you've lost weight!
And I can see the perks of making customers cook their own food - that way if it's undercooked and the customer ends up in the hospital they can't be sued.
Grace, at 12:18 PM
All gross comments from this thread have been censored.
Sorry for the violation of my freedom-of-everything principles. They were gross.
Timothy Holden, at 3:26 AM
They were funny, you have no sense of humour. But, I'm not surprised you removed them.
D-String, at 8:41 AM
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