This girl is a genius!
For two reasons, lonelygirl15 is a genius, and you'll likely be hearing about her sooner or later on television or in your local paper:
1) She's a huge youtube success, and of all the successes so far, from sexxiebebe23 to Brookers (who got a production deal from Hollywood), she has the best quality product. In fact, as with all successes on youtube, there are suggestions that she's a faker - that is, she's making videos pretending to be an innocent seductress who really is incapable of seeing that the boy who spends his entire days and nights editing her videos is of course in love with her.
2) She's supposedly a home-schooled bookworm who likes to "inform her viewers" with tidbits of science... and she's a genius. This segment you can click on above was probably ripped straight out of a popularized science book - this one in pariticular, likely Jared Diamond's The Third Chimpanzee - that debunks the myth of the hunter/gatherer.
You see, the idea that men were the conquerers of the wilderness who worked all day to secure dead rodents for their family is bogus. Men certainly did do the hunting, but it was more recreational and didn't produce much actual meat. The earlier civilizations were built on the backs of women, who have always worked an average of two to five times harder than men. The women took care of the children, tended to the earlier domesticated crops (which yielded a lot more actual food than the domesticated animals in most, if not all, parts of the world), and also actually prepared and served the food. Meanwhile, the men sat around shooting the shit with other men, all the while perpetuating the myth that they were working harder.
This has been the plight of women throughout history, getting little credit for doing more work, and I completely respect lonelygirl15 on youtube for educating her immense audience, even if they're simply tooning in to see if she'll talk about sex.
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I don't know about the future success of lonelygirl, but I'm totally backing the whole women-work-harder-than-men thing. Damn cavemen taking all our credit.
"Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did - but backwards and in high heels."
(f. whittlesey)
Grace, at 6:42 AM
If this is the best youtube has to offer, I'm glad I don't bother with it. If anyone in the media tries to hype this girl up, it's only a cynical attempt to appear hip.
D-String, at 1:27 PM
If anyone hypes this girl up, it'll only be a way to make a successful show with a broad audience, all on the cheap.
It was done with reality shows, which can cost a fraction of sitcoms and hour-long dramas. Now it can be done with $500 video cameras, a lonely girl in her bedroom, and the boy who not-so-secretly loves her.
Timothy Holden, at 6:31 PM
has it occured to you, during your meaningful explanations, that the title is just too dumb?? Mankind didn't descend from the Neanthertals. The Neanthertals died out and have no descendents.
All people who went to a school know this (at least I learned it there..)
Anonymous, at 7:07 AM
Re: Novmati
Correct, however the lay person knows what Neanderthal/caveman implies, but not Cro-Magnon or Homo Sapien.
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
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Anonymous, at 12:25 PM
Judge you are amazing! We love and admire lonelygirl for the same reason, not just because she's cute but smart and charming as well! I love her videos and can't get enough of them. Also good job figuring out where they got the Chimpanzee thing from (Jared Diamond, who is referenced in another video too so it makes perfect sense). Its good to see that she didn't come up with all of this herself, because frankly that be inhuman. This episode was one of the best.
Anonymous, at 6:48 PM
Did someone post a porn link on my comments section!
I won't be finding out until I return home from work... I don't need to get fired when a six-year-old looks over my shoulder.
Timothy Holden, at 9:45 PM
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Anonymous, at 11:37 AM
I really have to turn on one of those spam filters! Jesus.
Timothy Holden, at 5:21 PM
Ja das ist fantastish!
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