I'm posting pictures for my mom. That's what this website is for, I guess.
This is one of the four Sallys I have in my pre-school classes. This one can already read though, so when the Moms were watching my class today, I leaned on her heavily to suggest that ALL the kids are this smart due to my teaching skills.
Jocelyn is cute. She frowns upon amateur attempts to be cute -- like that on the right.
The Platypus always looked a little like Trotsky to me.
These are the two I'd keep if it were allowed under my visa.
Benedicto, as in Benedicto Mussolini.
Another of the Sallys (Sallies?).
Born to be cute, I suppose... At least for a year or two until the attitude and the entitlement set in! (But I should be back in Canada by then.... right?.... right?.....)