Judge Holden Was Here

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The right idea (I want this shirt...)

Forget Grandma.
Forget Blue Whales.
This kid's my new favorite mammal.

Oh, and I didn't make a single kid cry today.... That's called progress.

UPDATE: Oops, I did make one kid cry. I told him I had to give him an X in my book for not doing his homework... He told me, "But Teacher, if I get an X, my mom will hit me," and then he cried and cried and cried.

Maybe tomorrow, I say, nobody cry. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Small Kids

So they've got me teaching pre-school kids and I had to post some pictures to show how embarassingly small some of them are...

Apologies for the creepy grin, but it's next to impossible to stop laughing around these kids. They're so small I crack up at just about everything they do.

Even when they cry, it's funny.... And yeah, they cry about everything, from me telling them they can't go to their "Oma" to me telling them to hurry up and finish their worksheets.... they cry when I write a sad face beside their name when they're bad or speak Korean too much.

Here's some more...

And here's some more...

The girl on the right has a habit of screaming down the hallway whenever she sees me, "Tim Croaker Teacher, I looooovvvvvvvvvvve you!!!!!"

And here's another one.