Mmm, happy days.
I'm in a good mood. Finding money on the ground will do that to you. I like money so much.
Has anyone here seen Little Miss Sunshine? I'm hearing that it's probably the late contender for the Best Picture Oscar (a la Crash, Shakespeare in Love, etc), and half way through watching it, it kind of seems like boring crap.
I'm trying to download the other nominees, and somehow, they all seem like movies I might want to watch -- except for Babel, which kind of looks like crap. Ok, I guess the Clint Eastwood movie and the Queen Elizabeth movie look like movies I might want to watch.
Has anyone here seen Little Miss Sunshine? I'm hearing that it's probably the late contender for the Best Picture Oscar (a la Crash, Shakespeare in Love, etc), and half way through watching it, it kind of seems like boring crap.
I'm trying to download the other nominees, and somehow, they all seem like movies I might want to watch -- except for Babel, which kind of looks like crap. Ok, I guess the Clint Eastwood movie and the Queen Elizabeth movie look like movies I might want to watch.
Babel isn't that bad- it just seems like one of the stories seems orphaned (the Japanese one- which is the best one btw) and the others seem to be populated by PROFOUNDLY MENTALLY RETARDED people.
"OH LOOK! A high powered rifle! Let's shoot it at tour buses!"
"I am an illegal immigrant who wants to go on a day trip to Mexico! Too bad the only ride available (with the two children I kinda "kidnapped" for the day) is with my drunk driving nephew! What could possibly go wrong?"
Its like "Crash", except its not about how racism is bad, its about how you shouln't do stupid things.
Clint Eastwood isn't crazy enough to be making war pictues. "Letters From Iwo Jima" proves it. A typical "war-is-bad-oh-the-enemy-is-just-like-us" war movie that middle America eats up. If it had Jews in it, it would probably win best picture.
"Little Miss" has its moments, but I think its too "Royal Tannenbaum"-ish to be best picture of the year.
"The Departed" is a remake. Plus it was directed by Scorsese. No chance of it winning.
"The Queen" looks good (havent seen it)
My faves of the year:
"Children of Men" & "United 93"*
"United 93" is the best 9/11 movie made so far, because it ignores the revolting sentimentalism and super patriotism of other 9/11 movies. It's just a bunch of scared people fighting for their lives and really confused civil servants trying to make sense of terror attacks. You almost miss the guy saying "Let's Roll".
Unlike "World Trade Center" which fetures a scene where the LORD JESUS CHRIST gives a thristy, trapped firefighter a half-finished Evian bottle. Yes that's right, the Son of God couldn't even give him a full one. Its like He was jogging by, listening to his iPod*, saw the WTC site and was like "oh hey, disaster...ah shit, they prayin' for me. Damnit, do I have anything in my fannypack?"
IN SUMMARY, I expected better crazy from Oliver Stone
*Current Track: Minor Threat- "Filler"
Anonymous, at 12:48 PM
#1 Get your own website
#2 I'm impressed you've seen most of the movies nominated already. I guess the Queen movie isn't in many theatres.
#3 The Departed is the frontrunner right now, isn't it? I thought it was really fun to watch, and I hope Markie Mark wins Best Supp. Actor, only because they couldn't possibly find a swear-free clip to show for the awards.
However, the movie has a really stupid ending, whether that's from the original or not, it was stupid, and I'm just not sure that it (or Little Miss Sunshine) has anywhere near as much seriousness to win.
Shouldn't movies be serious if they're going to be immortalized? Isn't that the reason they ripped off Jim Carrey back when he was making movies like Man on the Moon and especially Truman Show?
Also, wasn't Little Miss Sunshine just trying to be a cross between Royal Tannenbaums (which was 85% boring and lame) and Napoleon Dynamite (which is about 65% lame)?
Only a university freshman would think that BOTH those movies are entertaining, and only a university freshman at a lacklustre school would include a character who is a "Proust Scholar," keeps mentioning it over and over again, and then uses one Proust-inspired pep talk including a reference to Proust that even I knew about from reading the back of a dust jacket?
Timothy Holden, at 5:06 PM
PS: "Napoleon Dynamite" is unredeemable crap, suitable only for mouthbreathers wearing expensive backwards baseball caps and "juicy" sweatshirts.*
"Royal Tannenbaums" at least has a drug addled Owen Wilson.
*I take that back. "Dyanmite" is a middling's the fans WHO MAKE ME HATE IT.
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM
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