More Pictures from Saigon, I mean, Ho Chi Minh City
Let's start with more babies on bikes...

This kid is straight gangster!
Don't you love that his parents invested in a mask to block the smog, but somehow forgot to buy little Ho Chi a helmet?

This baby is seasoned. He/she can drink and cruise at the same time.
Observe the following picture for insight regarding the safety situation...

On highways like this one, the road is split into car and bike lanes, somewhat lessening the damage done to a helmet-less communist.
Also, the bikes only go about 40 km/h, so the odds of crushing your skull are far less than the idiots with Kawasaki Ninjas on the 401.

A cute tour guide displays the present given to Americans entering her grandparents' house during the war.
(Where are the Canada-Vietnam marriage agencies when you need them?)

At the shooting range, these Russians spent over $500 shooting every gun imaginable.

Drinking coconuts with straws. Yeah, I know how to rough it sometimes.

Mmm, a fruit that looks like a monkey heart that's been out in the sun. I was actually happy that it tasted so bad. This way, I'll never have to see it at home.

We're geniuses. We put our hands in water tanks with fish and turtles that may or may not know that they're about to be eaten.

Prime waterfront real estate on the Delta...

... just a few hundred meters away, someone is getting rich!

Back in the city, this is where the heroes of the American press corps experienced the Vietnam War -- the Rex Hotel.
The four-star hotel district was by far the nicest part of Ho Chi Minh City.
For those travellers who want the true experience. Hehe.

All the tallest buildings in the city are new hotels, so...

The best view of the city I had was from the window of my room.
Actually, the view from the airplane was extraordinary. I don't know why the hell I didn't take pictures. All the buildings packed together in communist shades of green and pink and blue, pierced only by the Saigon River that doesn't look so dirty from a thousand feet up... Damn it, damn it, damn it.

From the top of the old South Vietnam Presidential house.
"Let's get the hell out of here, Quislings!"

Mmm, propaganda.
Notice the date? The end of WW2, when the Nazi-sympathizer French homies got "Declaration of Independence'd" by Ho Chi and the crew in Hanoi.
It took 30 years to kick out all the culturially-superior French and militarily-superior Americans.
And then it was 30 years of communist bureaucracy and nitpicking, BUT NOW IT'S TIME TO...

...get our flag on...

... and make some @#&$ing money so we can afford a pool!!!
Because let's face it. What's life really about?
Pools, dummy.
Russians really do like shooting guns. I think its genetic or something. I bet if you told them you were part Ukranian they'd try to take away your lunch.
PS: Your pro-communist slant has become glaringly obvious over the course of these photo posts. I cannot let this stand, and will be forwarding your URL to the proper internet policing authorities*
*Right-Wing Political Blogs
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM
check out my new message board i made!!!!!11 its just me talking to myself now.. but soon it will be awesome.. !!1 maybe not. but check it out and start trolling!!111111
Anonymous, at 5:20 PM
Thank Jesus I don't shop at hippie stores.
Timothy Holden, at 4:08 PM
dear tim,
do you know any other television streaming sites? i'd like to find out the resolution to the veronica mars rape storyline, but the last episode is down on the site you recommended.
this is distressing to a person with no life other than internet television.
Anonymous, at 10:27 PM
JP, you gotta figure out the torrent thing.
Talk to me.
Timothy Holden, at 3:12 AM
okay. aside from the torrent thing.
update, plz.
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM
Those Russians should've asked for a dealer discount. :P
Anonymous, at 7:33 AM
The Russians did make some comment to me about how they were on the other side of the war... Obviously they thought I was American, but I wasn't too intimidated because they were fat and probably drunk and the AK47 was as easy to operate as advertised.
Timothy Holden, at 4:21 AM
I've had that fruit, its called Dragon fruit or something, they have shipped some to canada,and it doesnt taste that bad, I couldnt really taste anything. And tell these guys to stay away from my turtles!
PS: Im writing this in march, and a few minutes ago I was reading your november page. So I obviously need to start reading these more often.
Anonymous, at 4:40 PM
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