Ok, I'm pretty pissed.

Don't these two men look cute right now? They're like father and son, except the smaller man is older and probably killed more people.
And why am I pissed? Because I can't watch either of them play basketball. I can't watch Steven Nash or Christopher Bosh either, and I'm especially pissed that I'm not going to have access to a television when the finest weekend in sports comes along in March, the first week of the tournament, when there are three or four college basketball games on at the same time.
I'm not so excited about Peyton Manning in the Super Bowl, and I'm praying to a God I don't really pray to that he becomes the next Jim Kelly, but honestly, I even miss watching hockey once in a while, because I'd really like to see Alexander Ovechkin kick some ass in the all-star game and make Sidney Crosby look like the Canadian lillysiss he really is, even if he's catching assists from said lillysiss.
Wow, I miss hockey. Isn't that pathetic? I'm so far removed from the jockhead doorknobs in high school who used to eat lunch with the pretty girls that I'm starting to enjoy the idea of the sport again.
Ok, that's enough Tim. Back to bed.
I was going to say the Manning to Kelly analogy doesn't work, because Manning would lose to Rex Grossman whereas Kelly lost twice to Troy Aikman. However, Kelly lost in his first two Superbowl appearances to Jeff Hostetler and Mark Rypien, so the analogy may in fact be accurate.
Also, the Superbowl is rigged. Mobsters in Vegas have way too much money riding on the game to leave it up to chance.
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
I don't know anything about football. I just hate Peyton Manning. He's about as exciting to me as a Kevin Smith movie.
He's not very exciting.
Timothy Holden, at 4:18 AM
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