This week in Pictures
Wow, did you know that trees in Korea can change colour, too? I wasn't aware until today because, uhh, I never see any trees.

As you can see from the next two photos, some people enjoy Halloween more than others:

FYI: When visiting Korea, be aware that a double barber-pole means massage parlor.

FYI2: Massage parlor means prostitutes.
FYI3: Prostitution means "woman (or men) who will have sex with you for money."
FYI4: I only know this because somebody else told me.
And now it's time for...
1. I'm awesome
Earlier today, I found a local branch of Federal Express using only this crappy map:

2. China is awesome
Delegations from 48 African countries are in China this week to talk about how they can work together as business partners.
There are only 53 African countries to begin with, so yeah, this is the coolest conference of non-white nations since the 1955 Bandung Conference -- the topic of an essay I wrote about in college that was actually semi-interesting, so I guess I have a thing for these non-white conferences.
3. Robocop 1 and 2 are awesome
I download so many movies and TV shows, I've finally made my way to Robocop. The first movie is one of the most violent films I've ever seen, so I must have had an uncut version.
Robocop 2 is decent, too.
Robocop 3 is pinko garbage.
4. Co-worker Gord is one of those Halloween jerks, just like my brother
On Halloween, we both collected a massive amount of candy. However, like my little brother, he proceeded to eat it slowly while I ate and ate and ate, obviously resulting in him having a much better collection of candy over the next few days. And of course, he rubbed it in my face.
Him and my brother should start a club. The stupid Halloween jerks club.

As you can see from the next two photos, some people enjoy Halloween more than others:

FYI: When visiting Korea, be aware that a double barber-pole means massage parlor.

FYI2: Massage parlor means prostitutes.
FYI3: Prostitution means "woman (or men) who will have sex with you for money."
FYI4: I only know this because somebody else told me.
And now it's time for...
1. I'm awesome
Earlier today, I found a local branch of Federal Express using only this crappy map:

2. China is awesome
Delegations from 48 African countries are in China this week to talk about how they can work together as business partners.
There are only 53 African countries to begin with, so yeah, this is the coolest conference of non-white nations since the 1955 Bandung Conference -- the topic of an essay I wrote about in college that was actually semi-interesting, so I guess I have a thing for these non-white conferences.
3. Robocop 1 and 2 are awesome
I download so many movies and TV shows, I've finally made my way to Robocop. The first movie is one of the most violent films I've ever seen, so I must have had an uncut version.
Robocop 2 is decent, too.
Robocop 3 is pinko garbage.
4. Co-worker Gord is one of those Halloween jerks, just like my brother
On Halloween, we both collected a massive amount of candy. However, like my little brother, he proceeded to eat it slowly while I ate and ate and ate, obviously resulting in him having a much better collection of candy over the next few days. And of course, he rubbed it in my face.
Him and my brother should start a club. The stupid Halloween jerks club.
That tree isn't a Japanese Maple, is it? Cause I hate to tell you but they're always that colour.
And I hope by collecting a massive amount of candy you mean you bought it and didn't actually go trick or treating. Cause that's just sad.
Grace, at 1:52 AM
I got candy from the leftovers that the little kids didn't get. Nobody here actually goes trick-or-treating, to my knowledge, and I wouldn't even know how to say it in Korean.
As for the trees. I don't have a clue what kind of tree that is, but this little group of trees is definitely changing colour because I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise... Also, there were a half dozen people taking pictures, so I felt like I should, too.
Timothy Holden, at 5:13 AM
I remember Robocop 1 being extremely violent. I went to a guy's birthday party, and his folks rented it but they turned it off halfway through, and asked us not to tell our parents they rented it.
DH, at 7:02 AM
Nothing's wrong with trick or treating.
When you're still pre-teen, of course.
Grace, at 12:21 PM
halloween is garbage. so is christmas.
as you can tell, i really enjoy autumn.
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
Robocop 1 is one of the best goddamn movies of the 1980s.
I personally liked how screenwriter Frank Miller envisioned FOX News 20 years before its inception in that film
"Bitches, Leave"
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
My friends are so cheery.
Anonymous, at 10:36 PM
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