A little taste of what I've been up to recently...

Thanks to my semi-regular website viewers for still coming despite a lack of pictures. It's a combination of laziness, a lack of picture-worthy days, and the fact that I don't want my Mom to see how long my hair is.
The only reason I bothered to post any pictures is because of the gift below... Thanks to my German family members for sending it, because they don't make chocolate here like they do at home. I mean, Germany.[[Thanks to everyone else who e-mailed and sent things for my birthday. And apologies for eating or reading your gift before taking pictures of it...]]

If you have the time, click the below pictures to read what's written on the plaque.

I swear, it's worth it.
Update with a poorly informed political thread please.
Write about something naive and totally laughable like, oh i dont know, "Democrats Expected to Win American Congress In November"
Anonymous, at 6:31 AM
Andy, get back to work.
Timothy Holden, at 7:19 AM
Watch This
Anonymous, at 1:35 PM
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