Three things I learned today
Don't encourage six-year-old boys to "kiss and make up," because they'll do it.
Seven-year-olds prefer the rules of God to the rules of State.
While teaching Grade Ones what the words "laws" meant, I was almost killed with Tae-kwon-do moves when I suggested that the State and not God could make the rules that we live by.
I think I'm teaching a bunch of freedom-loving southerners.
A New York Yankee crashing a plane into a building in New York is the most something story I've ever heard of. I can't put my finger on the right word or phrase or combination-of-words.
Don't encourage six-year-old boys to "kiss and make up," because they'll do it.
Seven-year-olds prefer the rules of God to the rules of State.
While teaching Grade Ones what the words "laws" meant, I was almost killed with Tae-kwon-do moves when I suggested that the State and not God could make the rules that we live by.
I think I'm teaching a bunch of freedom-loving southerners.
A New York Yankee crashing a plane into a building in New York is the most something story I've ever heard of. I can't put my finger on the right word or phrase or combination-of-words.
shoot, I added one and forgot to change the title.
Concider your comment deleted Simon.
Timothy Holden, at 7:56 AM
Fuck that shit. Mutants are totally *LAME-O*.
When the bombs drop, I'll just hide in a shelter. 3 weeks later, when the fallout finally begins to dissipate, I and my rag-tag "army" (we will wear cyberpunk inspired outfits with red berets) will be fighting pitched battles in the ruins of once-great cities with groups of suvivors (who have pathetically banded together for survival and to "start over and build it up again...better than before...") over what few tinned meats weren't destroyed in the firestorms.
We'd use them as provisions so we eat while on march to the nearest Thunderdome.
Thunderdomes rule.
But living in a nuclear flashpoint like South Korea?
That doesnt rule.
You're pretty screwed Tim. If you're lucky you'd be vaporized in the first strike. Dont go into the subway shelters - just run into the street and let the blast take you to atoms. The goverment only makes "shelters" to put you at a false sense of ease and to have a place to easily collect the bodies.
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM
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