So the past few weeks I haven't posted any pictures on here, as usual, but I've actually been relatively busy since it's my last few weeks (now my last weekend), so here's some of what I've been doing to kill time.

I went to a soccer game.

Very few people like soccer here, apparently, which makes it pretty embarassing that they have half-a-dozen "World Cup Stadiums" scattered across the country, of which the most imposing is in Seoul of course.... They anticipated that it wouldn't really be used though, because there's a mall, a spa, a theatre and just about everything attached to the complex, including a "World Cup Wedding" space.

I also took the two-hour subway ride to the Incheon coast to see what it looks like. There was a tiny little Chinatown area, above, a lot of memorials for the Korean War landing and a pretty little park with numerous monuments to the long and happy relationship between Korea and the U.S. of A.

Including a General MacArthur statue!

Along the coast, there's also a boardwalk area that seemed a little grittier than it needed to be. It's always surprising/saddening how down-scale the outskirts of Seoul can be in places, but I figured the promenade along the coast would be a little nicer.
Who am I kidding. It was a little nicer than the view from my apartment. Shutup Tim.

I've also been doing a lot of the stuff I like to do over and over again, like rollerblade into the city. I hadn't done it in so long due to the global warming that comes each summer to the northern hemisphere of our planet. One of the effects of climate change this year seemed to be that it made my back seize up and hurt whenever I did something remotely physical for two months, which I blame on China and George W. Bush, not heredity.

Such pretty flowers. I wish I were a four-year-old girl so I could get a permit to pick one.

I also like to do things I can't afford to do once in a while, like hang out with my friend at the Hyatt bar up one of Seoul's mountains. I got one drink and I'm not telling how much it was.
See the river!

I take pictures of the river very many.
I need to do something more productive with my life, huh.
Maybe I'll build a rocketship ro something.