TWO DAYS LEFT (Yeah, I'm counting days now)
Juliet says Goodbye. She still says Christine is her favorite teacher, but I'll forgive her.
Now that I'm done at the school, I'm posting pictures of all my favorite kids.
Here you go...
This is Juliet and Brian, the consumate Ladies Man. He chose well.
Yoonseo loved Andy and wanted to marry him.
Andy was scared of her.
Kelly was one of two students I saw every day for the entire year.
I took more pictures of Emily than anybody else. Cute, cute, cute.
Emily liked to headbutt people.
Jessica didn't know how to stop smiling.
John, probably the most photographed of the boys.
He was the other student with us every day for the whole year.
John liked to kiss people. What a stud.
JoAnn, probably the most gifted kid we had. I used to keep her busy by letting her do three assignments while the other kids were finishing one.
Her brother Jonathan was probably the most clever we had. He came up with a story about how the commas in contractions (can't, won't) were ghosts for the dead letters they replaced. He was in pre-school at the time and I almost flipped out.
JoAnn and him had some good blood.
Judy and Sarah. Judy was the most grown up kid we had. She had mini-breakdowns when she thought she'd forgotten her homework.
Sarah was the biggest class clown. She came from Arizona where people called her "Wobbles" or something and she really knew how to get under a teacher's skin with personal questions. Very clever kid.
Also grade three girls. They stuck together to protect themselves from the boys. They actually outnumbered the boys though, so they were often on offensive.
Grade one, cutest class ever. Yoojin (second) used to write me secret letters and I carried her bags to the bus when it was time to go home.
Christie, grade six. She wouldn't let anyone take pictures of her unless she had veto privileges, so I guess she liked this one.
That's it. I'll never ever ever ever see (most of) them again.
I guess I'll miss some of them, but not ALL OF THEM. Hehe, and I probably won't miss being at the school 10 hours a day either. Yuck.
Two more days to kill and I can finally walk on grass again. WOOOOHOOOOO.
the headbutt photo is the cutest thing i've ever seen. like, seriously.
email me your phone number. i don't know where to call you now that you're back in KANADA.
Anonymous, at 10:52 PM
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