Two days until...
Robotic Dogs and Jetpacks. Yay.
Also, Tim Hardaway hates gay people. You learn something new every day.
Also, also. I really, really hate stories like "Former NBA player comes out of the closet." I also hate stories like "Harvard to elect first woman President" and "First black and/or woman to run for President." I guess we're a long way from past this.
I guess I don't hate it enough to not mention it here though, so please use that against me.
Also, also, also, I'm totally psyched about this North Korean nuclear deal that Bush has finally allowed. I wrote this screed about it yesterday comparing it to Nixon in China and suggesting that Kim Jong-Il would soon be spotted at the Bellagio with Britney Spears, but I took it down for fear of looking like a complete idiot when it all falls apart around the time I leave here. Diplomacy is dead when I leave the peninsula.
Also, Tim Hardaway hates gay people. You learn something new every day.
Also, also. I really, really hate stories like "Former NBA player comes out of the closet." I also hate stories like "Harvard to elect first woman President" and "First black and/or woman to run for President." I guess we're a long way from past this.
I guess I don't hate it enough to not mention it here though, so please use that against me.
Also, also, also, I'm totally psyched about this North Korean nuclear deal that Bush has finally allowed. I wrote this screed about it yesterday comparing it to Nixon in China and suggesting that Kim Jong-Il would soon be spotted at the Bellagio with Britney Spears, but I took it down for fear of looking like a complete idiot when it all falls apart around the time I leave here. Diplomacy is dead when I leave the peninsula.
Why do you hate those stories?
SimoDoodle, at 7:23 PM
The best story would be "Minority obtains prestigious position and nobody notices they were a minority."
((( Also, It seems Barack Obama has dealt with the race issue masterfully in the U.S.... He's like Bush with criticism, it just bounces off. If you attacked Bush with past indiscretions, you were attacking his high Christian values and reaffirmation of his faith... With Obama, if you attack him, you're just holding racial stereotypes against him, which makes you look worse than anything he did himself.
He's also done a suitable job distancing himself from the race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton... The media have tried to get him to say he's upset about that, which he shouldn't be, and he's done a good job it seems of avoiding the topic altogether.
And how about that Muslim school thing with Fox News... He now has a legitimate anvil over Fox's head whenever they come up with another Swift Boat story about him.
He's a good politician, this guy -- although he certainly doesn't have the backroom clout that a Hillary Clinton would have, which is probably bad for the Democrats, because he might be MORE electable.)))
Side note: Wouldn't it be hilarious if there were TWO STRAIGHT U.S. PRESIDENTS WHO ADMITTED TO USING COCAINE!!! What a country.
Timothy Holden, at 9:06 PM
I am disappointed to see no tribute to the Dear Leader, on this, his glorious birthday. FOR SHAME
Anonymous, at 5:45 AM
To all you people with Barack Obama fever let me just say this: he's following directly in the footsteps of a one Dr. Howard Dean.
Look at the parallels:
Large number of happy youths rallying around him, early buzz, long before primary season starts, sexy, media in love with this photogenic dude, appearance of being more liberal, and widepsread BLOGGER support(Blogs will be his downfall. "Political" bloggers are all morons out of touch with the world as a whole and are stupid, petty, hysterical and myopic. They ruin everything. Rely on bloggers for political support and you might as well concede defeat)
You'll all be shocked come this time next year when Barack is giving off crazy screams once he loses to John Kerry.
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM
Losing to John Kerry. haha. He's not even a democrat anymore. They're freezing him out.
Obama is a natural politician. Dean was a little nutty from the beginning, and you're right that he attracted the blind anti-Republicans.
Obama will do better. I don't know if he can win the primary, but he'll escape with a better image than Dean... and probably be at least a VP candidate. I still don't see the Democrats winning. It's a long time.
Timothy Holden, at 4:48 AM
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