Look, Mom! The only white person on the entire subway line.

The man on the right is Gord, a fellow teacher trying to make my picture look better by comparison. (He'd like me to add that he's actually the same height as me and he usually looks a lot more distinguished.)
This picture is actually a lie about the height of Korean people as a whole. The men of the younger generation are about as tall as men everywhere else. However, they probably don't wake up early enough for the late-morning rush hour. And yeah, this picture was originally an attempt to show how busy the subways are, even at 9 a.m. when us slackers head off to work, but alas, the better photos were hi-jacked by my baldness. This is the only one I didn't delete because it made me feel sad that I'm getting old.
Remember, in Korean years, I'm already 25. Do I have to explain this to anyone? Koreans start at one when they leave the womb, and when a new year begins, you immediately become a year older. That is, if you were born on December 31st of this year, you would immediately become two-years-old on your second day on earth - or rather, your second day in Korea.
(If anyone knows whether this is the same practice everywhere in the world except Canada, please tell me. I'd like to stop looking so ignorant every time I talk about this.)
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