You learn something new (and useless) every day.

There's only one catch - the words "above" and "ground."
According to Wikipedia, the greatest non-porn website on the internet, the CN Tower maintains its standing (bad choice of words) as the tallest free-standing building in the world on land.
There's a telecommunications tower in North Dakota that is 200 feet taller. However, with its many cables to hold it up, it's classified as a "supported structure."
As for the tallest free-standing overall, the title belongs to an oil-drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Of course, the bulk of this "tower" is underwater and completely unseen by tourists or envious Americans across Lake Ontario.
So what's the point? Canada still has the tallest ------------- building in the world! That's my ------- point.
Forget all the people who've been saying, "No, it's not the tallest building in the world anymore." They've been sort of wrong the whole time. While Chicago's Sears Tower and Taiwan's Taipei 101 have been duking it out with taller and taller radio towers at their peak, Canada has always maintained its place as the country with the largest and most irrelevant penis-inspired building.
Thanks to Ted Rogers, it even has balls.
And that's your useless fact for the day, my dozen or so readers. I hope you enjoyed it.
(Apologies to any citizens of the Gulf of Mexico who are seething at my dismissal of their free-standing "wet" tower.)
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