Vacationing in Bowmanville
I was looking at hotels online and decided to look into a vacation in Bowmanville, Ontario. Unfortunately, there's only one hotel advertised on, and it seems a little pricey.
$73.33 for a 1-and-a-half star hotel?
I'm looking at 3-stars in Beijing for half that price. What's the deal?
On the other hand, who wants to see the Great Wall or Tiananemen Square when you can see...
Downtown Bowmanville - 1 km (0.5 mi)
Lake Ontario - 1.5 km (1 mi)
Bowmanville Zoological Park - 5 km (3 mi)
Jungle Cat World - 16 km (10 mi)
Mosport International Raceway - 20 km (12.5 mi)
Cullen Gardens - 29 km (18 mi)
You can even fly through the following airports...
$73.33 for a 1-and-a-half star hotel?
I'm looking at 3-stars in Beijing for half that price. What's the deal?
On the other hand, who wants to see the Great Wall or Tiananemen Square when you can see...
Downtown Bowmanville - 1 km (0.5 mi)
Lake Ontario - 1.5 km (1 mi)
Bowmanville Zoological Park - 5 km (3 mi)
Jungle Cat World - 16 km (10 mi)
Mosport International Raceway - 20 km (12.5 mi)
Cullen Gardens - 29 km (18 mi)
You can even fly through the following airports...
Toronto Buttonville Airport (YKZ): Approximate driving time to the Howard Johnson Bowmanville is 46 minutes and distance is 69 km (43 mi).
Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ): Approximate driving time is one hour, 11 minutes and distance is 85 km (53 mi).
Bowmanville HOJO's luxurious looking hotel.
That is a little ridiculous, especially considering how much the Cdn dollar's worth these days. I'd say the hojo people would be ripping you off. Negotiate a deal. We're apparently allowed to do that now. Ever negotiated a price in a mall store in the GTA? It's just as fun as it sounds. But only when there's a line of 20 people waiting behind you.
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM
That was funny, but who the hell is Alice?
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM
sorry, forgot to change the name and it defaulted to my blog account. But seriously, you can't click through to my site and figure it out?
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
Oh, it's Grace. How dissapointing.
I was hoping for a celebrity or something.
And also.... This is the HOJO price for January 1st, the day I'll be in Beijing... it might not be this expensive all year round.
Anonymous, at 9:55 PM
you suck.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM
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Anonymous, at 5:01 PM
Thanks, but I'm not interested Mr. cresecenet? What a funny name.
Now get the fuck off my porch.
Anonymous, at 9:00 PM
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