Judge Holden Was Here

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Me and the American military

Today, with the help of a group of women I'll now call "my Filipino friends," I went to a birthday party at the American military base.

Yeah, that's right... I even got a card that says I'm a 'D' level threat to the American military... whatever that means.

This traffic sign woman below has a hole in her head that looks like a bullet... I almost gasped at the horrible irony of it all, but then I remembered that I'm a 'D' level threat, so I kept the gasping to a minimum.

Next week, with the blessing of God, I'll be able to visit the miltary base that has a TACO BELL!!!!

That's right, TACO BELL!!!!!

TACO BELL!!!!!!!
TACO BELL!!!!!!!
TACO BELL!!!!!!!

And the rockets red glarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeee.....
The bombs bursting in airrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

God Bless America.


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