Judge Holden Was Here

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Can't help it.


  • Timmers,

    I think you need to post more, punk

    Did you get a cord for your cam? or just buy a new one?

    I almost bought a cam corder the other day, it was like 500bucks, I couldn't justify it though. didn't really need it. I did buy Cross country skis the other day though. its pretty sweet. and it reminds me of grandma out on the golf course that one day when we froze our asses off. haha

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:35 PM  

  • Haha, I remember that day with Grandma. That was fun. (That was back before I was her favorite.)

    A camcorder, huh. Sweet... I'm going to make some homemade dance videos when I get back home... I'm going to practice now, actually.

    Oh, and I'd post more stuff, but I don't really do anything exciting. Sorry. Do you want me to post pictures of myself cuddled up in bed watching the Wire? Drinking hot cocoa? Farting and laughing and then picking up the phone to call you to tell you how loud it was, but then getting sad because I realize you're probably sleeping and don't really want to hear about my farts?

    I could post pictures of that, although I'm not really sure how you take a picture of a fart.... Maybe I'll get an infra-red camera.

    By Blogger Timothy Holden, at 11:05 PM  

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